Windsor Rocks

Half Term at the River & Rowing Museum


Next dates

Make the most of this February Half Term with fun family activities at the Museum! Here is the full line up of events for your family and friends. Booking links and full information for individual events are below:
Monday 17th February:
Mole’s Maze
Fun with Maddy – singing, stories and make a model of Mole’s house and his underground tunnels.
Most suitable for age 6 and under.
10.30am – 11.30am (please arrive at 10.20am to check-in at Front Desk), £7.75.
Tuesday 18th February:
Trail Tuesday
Pick up a free trail from Front Desk and adventure around the Museum.
Suitable for all ages.
All day, no booking required
Wednesday 19th February:
Space & Stars: Storytelling & Craft
Create a space themed mask then hear space and star themed tales by our wonderful storyteller Sarah.
Most suitable for age 3+10.30am – 11.30am (please arrive at 10.20am to check-in at Front Desk), £7.75
5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Space Crafty Models!
Under the expert guidance of our Art Tutor, Camilla, create your own space ship model. Most suitable for age 4+
1.30pm – 2.30pm (please arrive at 1.20pm to check-in at Front Desk), £7.75
Thursday 20th February:
Pirates and Princesses Family Event
Join us for a morning of activities inspired by pirates and princesses in our collection. Crafts, stories and activities.
Suitable for all ages10.00am – 12.30pm, free with admission*, No booking required.
*Crafts, stories and activities free with admission ticket. Some activities require a small additional charge (£1 – £2)
Pirates and Princesses Disco Party
Come and join the disco party! Enjoy an afternoon of dancing, Pirate and Princess themed party games and of course a visit from Mr Toad! Refreshments for our younger visitors will be available to purchase at the Disco from our pop-up, Toad’s Tuck Shop. Adults are welcome to buy takeaway items from our Café to bring back to the party.

Most suitable for 4 – 7 year olds
1.30pm – 2.30pm (please arrive at 1.20pm to check-in), £7.75


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