Windsor Rocks

PYO Pumpkins - Cookham


Next dates

Vouchers are £3.00 per person plus 25p admin, (adults and children). 

This allows access to the pumpkin fields for photo opportunities to admire the spectacle of acres of beautiful pumpkins ( less as they are sold) and a 20 % discount off the price of pumpkins that you pick ( normally £1.20 per kg .. only 96p per kg with the online voucher) £2.00 per kg  for Squashes , these are the smaller more decorative “pumpkins”
The more you pick the more you save !
Our maize maze ay Cookham will be open during pumpkin season, and you will be able to purchase tickets at the farm shop.  

No dogs allowed into the farm, with the exception of guide dogs.

Booking available soon

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